Friday 12 September 2008


When Lizzie arrived home her parents were still up.

“Hi Mum” she said as she walked into the kitchen.

He mother wrinkled her nose. “You stink of smoke Lizzie”

Lizzie pulled her blouse up to her nose and sniffed it.

“Take you clothes off and I’ll wash them for you” instructed her mother

Lizzie removed the blouse and gave it to her mother, and then she took off her jeans. These went straight into the washing machine.

“You still smell, give me the rest. Without a murmur Lizzie removed her bra and panties and put them into the washer. Then she walked languidly over to the fridge to get a cold drink.

“Hi Dad” said the now naked Lizze as her father came into the kitchen.

“Hi Liz, How did your evening go”

“Good, I got a load of sponsors for Naked for Africa” she paused for effect “and so did Charlie and Alice”

“Never” said her mother, “I never thought you’d persuade them to do it”

“Well I didn’t really, it just sort of happened” Lizzie explained the events in the pub to her parents.

“Mm, I don’t think that was a good idea Lizzie” said her mother

“Don’t worry mum they were cool about it, after a few drinks. I told them they could spend the day here with us. So it would be no big deal”

She wandered off towards the lounge to watch the late film.

“Lizzie haven’t you forgotten something?” her mother asked her naked daughter.

Lizzie stopped puzzled

“Towel” said her mother throwing a large brown bath towel at her.

Lizzie caught the towel and wandered off.

Her brother Jason was sitting watching a substandard film.

“Hi Liz, have a good evening?” he asked as Lizzie spread the towel over an arm chair.

“Excellent” she replied with a slight slur, as she slumped into the chair.

Lizzie’s mother stuck her head around the door.

“Can one of you go out and get the cat in before you go to bed”

“Ok” they muttered in unison.

“Your turn” said Lizzie’s brother “I did it yesterday, and the day before”

“But I haven’t got any clothes on” protested Lizzie

“So, what difference does that make?”

Casual nudity was commonplace in Lizzie’s house so her clothed brother was not going to give her a break.

“What if he’s out in road?”

“Like you haven’t done that before” he retorted.

“So, you would send your only sister out into the night without a stitch on would you” said Lizzie.


Resigned to her fate, Lizzie got up and left the room She opened the back door and walked out into the garden. Not for a moment did she consider the option of putting on some clothing. She whistled for the cat. He didn’t come; as usual. Lizzie wandered out into the garden calling for the cat.

There were no problems with the neighbours seeing her. They had got used to the family’s unusual dress code and just accepted that any of the Livingstones may be wandering about naked. It had been a shock to them at first, but slowly they had come round. This had been much helped by Mr Street’s appreciation of her mother’s penchant for gardening in the nude. Lizzie had always thought that Mrs Street was a trifle cool on their clothing optional lifestyle until the previous Monday.

The cat appeared and rubbed himself against her bare legs.

“Hey Albert” said Lizzie, “Come on inside now”. She picked him up and carried him into the kitchen. His body felt warm on her bare skin.

It was amazing how some people can take you by surprise mused Lizzie as she poured Albert some milk. She had always viewed Mrs Street as a respectable and staid woman; a pillar of the local church and captain of the woman’s golf club. Lizzie reviewed the events of last Monday in her mind. She could still barely believe it.

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