Wednesday 25 June 2008


There was only one rule about clothing in Lizzie’s house and that was that everyone eats breakfast in the nude. The following Tuesday although Lizzie was breakfasting alone, she was still naked. She mused on her friends’ predicament as she ate her cereal. They need to be broken in she thought, idly brushing some splashes of milk from her breasts. She tried to think of some way to make her friends more comfortable with being naked, but nothing came to mind. Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell.

“Get that please?” shouted her mother. Lizzie padded towards the door “and don’t forget to cover up”

“I have never answered the door naked mother” said Lizzie firmly “unlike you. I expect it will be the postman again; hoping for an eyeful”

Lizzie covered herself with a long jumper she kept in the hall for unexpected callers before answering the bell.

“Hello, Mrs sorry Marjorie” said Lizzie “come in, can I take your coat”

“Thank you, Lizzie.” She said removing her long fur overcoat. As usual Mrs Front was perfectly made up and her hair was coiffured to perfection. She was wearing an expensive but discreet pearl necklace, a gold watch, and a pair of flat black shoes. That completed her outfit.

“Is you mother in?”

Lizzie’s equally naked mother came into the hall

“Marjory, come in it’s so good to see you, Lizzie put the kettle on will you, and get with the dress code”

“Yes Mum” said Lizzie removing her jumper and going into the kitchen.

Marjory and Lizzie’s mother followed her. They all sat around the table chatting about the golf club. Lizzie was a bit bored with the politics of choosing the Ladies Captain and her mind began to wander. A seed of an idea began to germinate.

“How did you get on with Edgar?” quizzed Lizzie’s mother.

“Ah, remarkably well” replied Marjory “I got the impression he was positively drooling at the prospect” she said with a modest titter “he’s my only sponsor, Edgar won’t hear of anyone else knowing”

“Are you happy with that?” asked Lizzie’s mother

“Well” said Marjory in a conspiratorial whisper, “I rather hope to persuade him to join me for a naked lunch” she giggled

Although Lizzie and her mother were used to several naked lunches a week they understood that a naked lunch for Marjory with her husband would be something of a first.

“So he won’t let you approach anyone else for sponsorship” said Lizzie’s mum

“Oh no he thinks no one else knows about this. Although,”she reflected” I would like to expand my nudity now. I know I was quite shy in the beginning, but as time has gone by I do think nudity has a lot going for it.

“Marjory” ventured Lizzie “I have some friends who are in the same boat. They are not comfortable being naked, but they too have decided to join the ‘Nude for Africa Appeal’”

“I take it heir parents aren’t quite as liberal as your own” said Marjory. Before Lizzie could answer Mrs Street continued “but then I suspect few parents are.” She laughed a hearty guffaw.

“I say” said Marjory, “I’ve an idea, why don’t you ask them over for coffee on Thursday, what do you think Janet”

“I think it would be a great help to them, and to you too Marjory” replied Lizzie’s mum.

“Yes” said Mrs Street, “ask them do. Phone them now, strike while the iron is hot, so to speak”

Both Charlotte and Alice said they would have to think about it.

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